The ability to develop resilience, manage stress and deal with failure is critical to success in today’s fast paced, highly demanding workplace. Stress and presenteeism have reached an unprecedented record high in the UK .
The American Institute of Stress (AIS) estimates that 80% of workers experience stress at work with 40% of those identifying that they need help to manage stress. Stress has reached epidemic proportions. We’re desperately in need of change, but where to start? Here’s how mindfulness can benefit your business.
Presenteeism (that’s going to work when you’re really too ill for the uninitiated) has more than tripled since 2010.
Workplace stress is at an all time high, along with stress related absenteeism. We operate in an increasingly complex world where individuals and companies are struggling to keep up with the pace of change.
If you’re feeling overwhelmed, stressed, just plain tired or lacking in focus then you know only too well the costs of workplace stress.
There’s no magic bullet to change the economic climate, dispense with difficult colleagues or dial down stressful situations. But there is a way to rewire how we respond to those stressful events.
Mindfulness at work is a powerful tool that enables us to manage stress, build resilience and optimise performance. Let’s take a look at how mindfulness can benefit your business.
Who is using Mindfulness at Work?
Mindfulness has been embraced by a plethora of global heavy weights including Google, Spotify, SAP, General Mills, Goldman Sachs, Honda, Starbucks and Monsanto. We’ve also seen UK Parliament, the US Senate, Harvard Business School and Stanford University using mindfulness. Time magazine, The Financial Times, The New Yorker and The Guardian have all covered mindfulness at work. Here’s why.
How Mindfulness can Benefit your Business
Practicing mindfulness on a regular basis has multiple benefits for individuals and businesses.
Research has demonstrated that mindfulness at work programmes improve a range of workplace functions, resulting more than stress management alone. In fact, the less stressed, the more happier we are at work, the more productive we become and that, ultimately, impacts upon the bottom line of every business.
- Decrease stress and anxiety
- Develop resilience
- Reduce absenteeism
- Increase team cohesion
- Help us to focus
- Develop our emotional intelligence at work
- Build kinder, more compassionate workplaces
- Improve productivity
- Increase workplace engagement
- Help us to feel happier
- Boost our immunity
Want to know more about mindfulness at work? Take a look at our 100% free Mindfulness at Work Toolkit or, if you’re leading a team and want to introduce mindfulness at work, our Mindful Leadership Toolkit
We’ve worked internationally with thousand of people and companies to help them be more mindful at work with mindfulness at work training courses, workplace mindfulness programmes, mindful leadership training courses and mindful coaching.
Want to find out more? or see our programme outlines? Get in touch, we’d love to hear from you.
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