Global Paradigm Shift

Self Coaching for a Global Paradigm Shift

We’re in a global paradigm shift. The ground is beginning to move beneath us. It’s normal to wonder where your place is in this new landscape. What can you do to support positive change? How about creating your own paradigm shift?

Self Coaching with a Twist

The world is complex and unpredictable. The fear that brings is nothing new. It’s always present and serves to inform us of what we perceive as our limitations. That chaos doesn’t need to cause a bottleneck in our development. Change provides us with an opportunity. We can pivot with a global paradigm shift by creating our own. As we begin to search for alternative ways of being, new values and ways of working, now is the time to leave old habits and labels behind. Think of it as self coaching with a twist.

Your Personal Paradigm

Think of a paradigm as a series of habits. A multitude of behaviours. Most of our waking hours are governed by those habits. Our paradigms are mental programmes. Think of your paradigm as your operating system – one that you get to design and control. If your habits are blottle-necked, clogged and holding you back, it’s time for change.

Negative Paradigms Can Keep You Stuck

If you’re not getting the results that you want, you may be in a negative paradigm. Because no matter what your profession, industry or personal relationships, sometimes things don’t work. Negative paradigms keep you stuck in old ways of thinking. Relationship conflicts. A complex work project with a tight deadline. Or you’re simply trying to flex faster than your competitors. The hallmark of an effective paradigm shift is resilience, the ability to rise above challenges and ride the waves of disruption.

Unlocking your Paradigms

Here’s where you learn whether a limiting paradigm is holding you back. Write down one area that you want to change. Create as much detail as you can, making the image as vivid as possible. List every association that that you have and can connect to that particular goal. Map the words by grouping them together into good or bad associations. When you’ve finished, take a look at the themes and patterns that emerge. Congratulations. You’ve just uncovered your paradigms. This is how you think, feel and live.

Then, ask “Why?” Focus on the negative paradigms that stand out the most to you and ask: “Where does this come from?” “Why do I think that?” “How did it happen?” continue asking why until you’ve exhausted your “Whys”. The next step is discovering how to shift it.

Creating a New Paradigm

“When you change the way you see things, the things you see change.” Wayne Dyer

Now you’ve identified your paradigm, it’s time to create a new one. Design a new mental setting. Retire those outdated thoughts and feelings to make way for transformation.

Decide what you want & and identify a belief that supports your new reality. Gather supporting evidence for your new belief and take action that aligns with your true values and purpose. Be open to opportunities that present themselves. When syncronicity presents a situation where you can do something differently, go for it. Each time you take action in line with your new values, you’ll feel the paradigm shift.

Create an affirmation to disrupt your thinking e.g. “I see change as a challenge and enjoy building my resilience.” Repeat it daily to create a fundamental change in your approach and underlying assumptions.

Want to know more about building resilience? Take a look at our free resilience toolkit along with our other free resources. Koru offer individual and business resilience coaching and resilience and stress management training. Our expertise in sustainable performance means that we can work with you to help you achieve effective, sustainable change. Get in touch with us to discover more.

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