wellness at work

What Causes Zoom Fatigue & how to Overcome it

What Causes Zoom Fatigue & how to Overcome it

If you’re beginning to notice that online meetings, sessions and catch ups are exhausting, you’re not alone. That feeling of tiredness, depletion and overwhelm is down to increased cognitive load. Video call exhaustion is a phenomenon that has been well documented during the recent lockdown. We take a look at What causes Zoom fatigue & how to overcome it

How To Succeed Without Burning Out

How To Succeed Without Burning Out

When you feel like you’re running to stand still it’s easy to fall into the trap of doing more to clear the decks. Working longer hours is detrimental to your health and your performance. What if there was another way? One rooted in data? Here’s how to succeed without burning out.

How mindfulness can benefit your business

How Mindfulness can Benefit your Business

The ability to develop resilience, manage stress and deal with failure is critical to success in today’s fast paced, highly demanding workplace. Stress and presenteeism have reached an unprecedented record high in the UKĀ . The American Institute of Stress (AIS) estimates that 80% of workers experience stress at work with 40% of those identifying that …

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