The 10 Best Mindfulness Apps

The 10 Best Mindfulness Apps

Feeling stressed out? A mindfulness app might be just the the thing to dial down your frazzle. But which app is the right one for you? We take a look at the 10 best mindfulness apps on the market. We examine the best android and IOS apps, paid for Vs free downloads along with the range of meditations offered. Prepare to get your zen on.

If you’re looking for a mindfulness app but there’s so much choice you’re more than a wee bit confused, we’ve done our homework so you don’t have to. In the 10 best apps we’ll examine what’s on offer for newbies and more experienced meditators alike.

Why use a Mindfulness App?

Mindfulness based cognitive therapy is the NICE treatment of choice for anyone who has experienced 3 or more bouts of depression. Research tells us that it’s just as effective as an anti depressant. Even if you’re not experiencing depression, there is a growing body of evidence that consistently demonstrates the impact of mindfulness on reducing stress, increasing resilience, developing happiness, improving focus and reducing levels of anxiety. Seeking meditation calm? There are meditation apps for sleep, meditation apps with free download, meditation apps for anxiety. You name it, there’s an app for it. If you’re trying to establish a regular practice, can’t make a class and are finding it tricky, an app might just provide the encouragement you’re looking for.

The 10 Best Mindfulness Apps

The 10 Best Mindfulness Apps 1: Smiling Mind

Android & IOS FREE

Designed by psychologists, neuroscientiists and educators, Smiling Mind is an Australian 100% not for profit. One of our favourites, the intention behind this fab little app is to make mindfulness accessible to all and we love that goal. One of the few truly free apps as opposed to a free download and in app purchases with ever escalating prices, Smiling Mind puts it’s money where it’s mouth is in terms of giving. It offers guided meditations and a ‘What is mindfulness?’ section for beginners to meditations on the ‘Daily commute’, ‘Mindful eating’ and more. It’s science backed and put together by experts so you can expect to see the same kind of practices and quality you’d get with an 8 week teacher led programme. If you’re looking for a great quality app that is completely free, this is the one.

The 10 Best Mindfulness Apps 2: Insight Timer

    Android & IOS free download, £2.99 per month

This is Time Magazine’s app of the year winner and comes highly recommended. If there was a mindfulness teacher’s hall of fame, Insight Timer’s teachers would be in it. They include top neuroscientists and mindfulness heavyweights; Jack Kornfield, Mark Williams, Sam Harris and Mooji amongst others. It’s a veritable mindful glitterati. It also offers an offline mode useful if you don’t have regular access to wifi. Each day 10 + brand new meditations are added alongside thousands of existing guided meditations for beginners and experienced practitioners alike. There is a huge range of meditation topics from anxiety, stress, leadership, eating and loving kindness. Again, this is science backed and put together by experts who know what they’re doing in terms of your wellbeing. A fabulous all round app, a snip at £2.99 considering the expertise of it’s teachers and quality of content.

The 10 Best Mindfulness Apps 3: Buddhify 

    Android and IOS FROM £4.99 upfront with in app purchases between £24.00 –        £26.49 per item.

Buddhify is unique in that you’re paying up front so there’s no free download or monthly payment. This app uses a nifty coloured wheel to choose your meditation. It’s selling point is that it offers short, guided meditations. This is a handy app if you’re often on the go with it’s guided ‘Walking’ and ‘Work break’ meditations providing the opportunity to build mindfulness into your every day activities with these informal meditations. If you’re keeping an eye on your budget and don’t want to commit to monthly payments, this could be one for you.

The 10 Best Mindfulness Apps 4: Calm

    Android & IOS Free download & £9.99 per month

Calm welcomes you with the soothing audio of waves or, if you prefer, the sound of an open fire or rain. If you’re soothed by sounds this is a great app. Calm provides guided meditations, a week long beginners programme for those new to mindfulness and more challenges meditations with their in app purchase ‘Masterclass.’ Offering a good selection of meditations with some quirky audio, Calm offers something for everyone.

The 10 Best Mindfulness Apps 5: Aura

Android & IOS Free download & in app purchases from £5.99 to £299.99

Aura offers short, AI driven meditations typically lasting around 15 minutes. The meditations change daily, delivered by a variety of meditation teachers working with Aura. Marketed as the best app for stress and anxiety. Aura includes a gratitude journal along with daily mood checker where you can record how you’re feeling which feeds into a weekly graph personalised by AI so that you are able to track your mood. This is  pricey at the top end of the in purchase app at £299.99. If you’re finance conscious you might want to check out some of the free apps which will also provide the potential for stress and anxiety reduction minus price tag.

The 10 Best Mindfulness Apps 6: Headspace

    Android & IOS Free download with in app purchases from £5.99 to £10.99 per        month

The brainchild of former monk, Andy Puddicombe, Headspace is ubiquitous. One of the most popular apps on the planet and now partner with Spotify, it offers 10 days free guided meditation followed by in app purchase option. This app offers animations, meditations guided by Andy and a tracking facility. This is the app that most people rave about. Take a look at Andy this Andy Puddicombe TED Talk  to get a feel and a cheeky try before you buy taster.

The 10 Best Mindfulness Apps 7: 10% Happier

    Android & IOS Free download with in app purchases from £4.99 to £89.99

This app is offered by New York best selling Author of ’10% Happier’ Dan Harris. It offers free access to a 7 session introductory course. 10% Happier offers daily guided meditations and videos. It has guided practices that examine different topics including anxiety, sleep and stress. This is a good al rounder and if you enjoyed the book, chances are you’ll enjoy this Dan Harris inspired offering too.

The 10 Best Mindfulness Apps 8: Let’s Meditate

    Android & IOS Free to download with in app purchases £0.59 to £13.99

One of the things that we like about this app is that there are no ads or sign ups simply because the developers recognise they can be a source of stress when you’re trying to get your zen on. Let’s Meditate offers selective downloading, guided meditations including topics such as the body scan, healing and sleep. if you dislike pesky ads and pop ups this could be the app for you.

The 10 Best Mindfulness Apps 9: The Meditation App

    Android & IOS Free download with in app purchases from £3.19 to £139.99 per      item.

This claims to be the meditation app that touches your soul which with one of the highest price tags out of the top 10 mindfulness apps at £139.99 we’d be expecting it to. It offers 250+ meditations in both English and Spanish. There’s a huge range of meditation topics ranging from compassion, gratitude, body awareness, stress release and a timer without guidance so that you can go freestyle with your meditation. There’s also a handy option to download and listen offline. We like the wide range that this app offers but if you’re on a budget you might find better value with some of the free or cheaper apps.

The 10 Best Mindfulness Apps 10: Samten

Android & IOS Free download with in app purchases from £8.99, £53.99 to £249.99 per item.

Samten is a relative new kid on the block where mindfulness apps are concerned. Offering to provide mindfulness for daily life, the meditations on this app are guided by none other than Buddhist monk, Gelong Thubten, of ‘How to be Human’ Ruby Wax fame. We love the fact that this is led by a practitioner steeped in the Buddhist doctrine and traditional practices. We’re also behind the pledge that 50% of profits will go to projects developing mindfulness and wellbeing. It offers 5 to 10 minute sessions, a 30 day challenge along with the opportunity to meditate with your family using the free Samten junior. We love Samten’s aim to create a global compassionate community, however, at £249.99 it is one of the pricier apps. Again, if you’re on a budget there are other free or lower priced, quality apps on the market that might be friendlier on your pocket.

If you’d like to know more about our mindfulness training courses get in touch. We’re International Mindfulness teachers Association members, UK Mindfulness Teacher Network Registered and qualified.

We work internationally with Fortune 500 companies offering mindfulness at work courses, introduction to mindfulness training, mindful leadership courses, executive resilience coaching and mindful coaching sessions.

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